Thursday, April 29, 2004

Mike G's Chicago Chowhound, Do Not Call it a FAQ, Tip Sheet on Old Chowhound Posts

Michael of suggested I make it easy for people to find the ice cream summary as future posts will move the stuff down and eventually off the main blog page. It was a great suggestion. I added a resources heading for people to find key posts here or elsewhere, including MikeG's Tip Sheet.

Vexed (and irked?) by the constant streaming of similar questions as well as motivated by the need to try to put order to the vast knowledgebase that existed on the Chicago Chowhound Board, Mike G made a FAQ or tip sheet. It was his distillation of key posts. I've always quibbled with some of his selections and characterizations, but I've always been impressed with the effort put into the project. It may not be the Chowhound FAQ I'd do, but then again, why should I do one when such a great resource was created by Mike. It can be found, in its most current version here.

Now, one of the problems with the whole process of getting to historic chowhound posts, is that Chowhound does not use static URLs for their posts. Over time, as Chowhound archives older posts, the URLs for ALL posts change. Thus, it is impossible to use links to find posts. Luckily, the post numbers stay the same. In the most recent version of the Tip Sheet, Mike G had included a system for adjusting the URL to find the posts. I have taken it on myself to modify his last Tip Sheet post to show how to better find archived posts. The link on the resources section now refers to my last post. I will try, as Chowhound divides, to keep the link to the Tip Sheet "right".

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