Thursday, April 08, 2004

Odd comment by Chowhound Mod's on Decor

This thread on Chicago Chowhound dealt with restaurant suggestions based on decor. Soon, the "Chowhound Team" came along and said that, while discussion of restaurant architecture or decor was fine, the posts HAD to also include mention of the food. Otherwise, splat, a victim to laser-focus. What the heck?

One of the criticisms typically thrown at hounds is that the grungier the place, the happier they become. That they take immense pleasure in dining in hovels. Now, perhaps there ARE people like that, but I do not know them. People simple mis-understand the desire for great (or at least interesting or unique) food and the willingness to get it regardless of the circumstances as a desire for masochistic eating. Decor, atmosphere, service, noise level, these factors all effect the dining experience, and they seem quite worthwhile for discussion. I mean under the logic of the moderator's call here, one could not discuss the quality of service if one did not throw in a mention or two of the food too. That's absurb. Restaurant discussion should include all the factors.

And that makes for help in finding places to eat?

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