Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Best Chow Moments 2003

On the listserv, several people have offered up their best eating of 2003. Here are mine (in no particular order)

Italian beef tasting. As much for the sammy's as for all the great people met along the way.

The wine dungeon leading to the $27 Thai food extravaganza at Spoon Thai followed by several more hours of eating and drinking, all along Western Avenue, the longest street in Chicago.

Lemon chicken with Wiv at Tufano's (for the Palm Pilot).

Eating burgers with Sheila at the Come Back Inn, Melrose Park a mere 2 hours after she had lunch at Trio.

Spring World with RST ordering (Chinatown, Chicago).

Brisket at Black's BBQ, Lockhart, Texas. If reduced to one taste for 2003, this would be it.

My brisket smoked and eaten the next day at Beverly Shores, Indiana. Finally a full size brisket almost as good. I had made very good flats in the past, but my previous attempts with full briskets had met with mixed success.

Wiv's smoked corned beef, the best pastrami, by a long way, in Chicago

Lem's ribs with beers at Jimmy's Woodlawn Tap to commence the Allnighathon.

Rico huarache at Maxwell Street Market, Chicago

Donuts in LA

Joan's bouillabaisse

The third basturma, garlic spread and pickle sandwich at Erik M's. Two were great, but the third jolt of these intense flavors put me in such a food stupor Sheila had to drive me home.

Wine week at Smith and Wollensky

The world's greatest sope's, Milwaukee Ave, Logan Square (Chicago).

Rosh Hashannah roast chicken salad from the Zuni cookbook and Yom Kippur braised beef without a cookbook

Relishes made with relish by my mother for Thanksgiving

French toast and pie at DuPar's, Farmer's Market, LA

Hearts of lettuce, anchovy dressing, with a martini on the side, Musso and Frank's, Hollywood, CA. The most perfect accord.

I reserve the right to amend for at least a week!

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